Success Stories
Wellness is a journey, and my goal is to empower you to achieve your goals, overcome obstacles, and lead fulfilling, authentic lives. I am honoured to share these stories of success and hope they inspire you to take the first step on your own path.
I am easily able to identify my emotions and to deploy the tools that she taught me.
“I can hear Nicole‘s soothing voice in my head when I am faced with situations that we had discussed during our sessions. For example, if I know I am feeling anxious about a situation I have Nicole saying to me find somewhere that is in need to hear or that I can get fresh air and connect to my breath. I was going to face a difficult situation with my sister-in-law and Nicole reminded me to just step into my light.
My meditation practice still needs some work, but I know that it is important work in order for me to reach my life goals. Nicole is truly a joy to work with and every time I make positive steps in my life, I cannot help but think about her and smile I wish I had known Nicole at least 15 years ago; however, I am grateful to have met her now and I am truly in a better place for it.
Thank you, Nicole!”
Nicole guided me through all my emotions and helped me control my anxiety and grief.
“I was lucky enough to have started my coaching just before a difficult time in my life. Nicole guided me through all my emotions and helped me control my anxiety and grief.
Nicole is a natural, very attentive and this is her life purpose. Thank you for guiding me through this difficult time Nicole and letting me feel good with myself.”
She listened but never judged me. Nicole my dear, played a huge part in my healing.
“My son passed away 11 years ago, and my world stopped. Silent grief and pain became my life. I was able to put up a front to most of the world who knew me as a strong woman, but I did not fool Nicole. She dug through everything and allowed me to speak my true feelings and express my grief.
I don’t think she knew how much she was helping me by just listening and always keeping in touch even when the rest of my world seem to stop caring or simply moved on. Nicole proved to be a true friend, motivator, advisor and even my nutritional coach lol! She became my advocate when I couldn’t do it for myself. Nicole’s actions, words and support during the darkest time of my life helped to pull me through.
She listened but never judged me. Nicole my dear, played a huge part in my healing. Her friendship, love and acceptance are gifts that I can never repay.
When words failed me, she didn’t. I truly appreciate her. Please do not allow your light to dim as you can be a source of comfort to so many people. Love and Blessings always”